Monday, March 30, 2020

This season's final serial

I took a break from working on next season to work on the final serial for this season, Zorro's Black Whip.  The Silver Bullet is our host and we will have some great background segments as well as a couple of new Super Hero 101 virtual comics.  I am still looking forward to filming next seasons episodes soon, I will post some behind the scenes shots whenever we get that opportunity.  I hope you all stay safe and thank you for being a part of Super Hero 101.

Here is the link for the next episode of Super Hero 101:

Monday, March 23, 2020

Preparing Super Hero 101 part nine

Hi all.

This week has been quite confusing.  We have never had to deal with some of the obstacles that have been presented to us at this time.  First off we are rescheduling the casting call, the self quarantine has made it necessary.  I haven't been using my time wisely.  I am moving forward on the scripts and reviewing several episodes of Jungle Girl, but I should be much further along with the extra time that was given to me.  I will be trying a little harder this week to get the things done because I would like to start filming next season in April, virus permitting.  When we do start filming I will have some behind the scenes pictures to share and some great stories, maybe even some bloopers.  Thank you for continuing the support of our show.

Here is the next episode of Super Hero 101:

Monday, March 9, 2020

Preparing a new season part eight

This week has gone fast.  We are still working in the serial Jungle Girl.  We did finish all the Super Hero 101 virtual comics by dropping in the sound effects.  We are putting the finishing touches on the casting call and finishing up some commercial work.  We are still looking for any artists out there who would like to see their work on the show, these segments will be filmed this season.  You can send your artwork to us at: 
Super Hero 101
6755 Freedom Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720

Here is the latest episode of the show, enjoy.

Thanks for being a part of Super Hero 101.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Preparing for the new season part seven

We have been working on the Jungle girl serial this week, we have several of the episodes written.  It is not complete yet but we are getting closer.  We have also put together the last six Super Hero 101 virtual comics, all we have left is to drop the sound effects in.  We still have our casting call coming up, if this is new information check last weeks blog.  This new season is definitely going to be our most ambitions season yet.

Here is the most current episode:

Thanks for being a part of Super Hero 101.